Western Queensland DiverseAbility
Western Queensland DiverseAbility
Western Queensland DiverseAbility is intended to enhance the capacity of the primary care sector by highlighting those enabling factors that support clients with physical, intellectual and psychosocial disabilities to appropriate services and support the wider community in accessing services. Primary care will be delivered in line with the WQ Health Care Home (WQ HCH) domains of Access to Care, Preventative Care and Chronic and Complex Care. It is envisaged that the WQ HCH patient-centred care will strengthen relationships and improve community well-being for individuals of all abilities.
Information found on this page will assist Health Practitioners and consumers for primary health, social care, supports, team-care, self-management and assistance with lifestyle management.
Do you want to know more about the NDIS in Western Queensland?
- NDIS Information for GP and Health Professionals
- NDIS Information for participants and carers
- Culturally appropriate resources
1. NDIS Information for GP and Health Professionals
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is providing support for Australians with physical, mental and psychosocial disabilities, their families and carers.
To become an NDIS participant a person must:
- have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (ie. it is likely to be lifelong)
- be aged less than 65 when they first apply to enter the NDIS; and
- must live in an Australia
- be an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa or Protected Special Category visa.
People can also access the NDIS for early intervention, and a specific Early Childhood Early Intervention approach has been developed for children aged 0 to 9 years.
link: https://www.ndis.gov.au/understanding/families-and-carers/how-ecei-works-step-step-process
The role of General Practitioners and other health professionals
GPs have an important role in the health care and lives of people with disability and their families/carers, and their professional relationship and partnership with patients. In relation to NDIS, GPs assist in completing specific sections of documentation required by NDIA to prove eligibility and enable a person to complete the access process.
GPs can also play a role in helping identify patients who are not currently receiving disability support but who might be eligible for the NDIS, and referring them to NDIS 1800 800 110 number or www.ndis.gov.au to check eligibility and access.
GPs are considered a treating health professional and therefore authorised to complete NDIA paperwork required to meet evidence requirements. GPs may also need to increase awareness of the NDIS, where they can find out more information or who can help them access the NDIS.
People with a disability may need to provide evidence of their disability which includes information on:
- what their disability is;
- how long it will last; and
- the functional impact on their life.

GPs may need to:
- Complete the NDIS Supporting Evidence Form, or sections of the Access Request Form
- Document that a person has or is likely to have a permanent disability
- Provide copies of reports or assessments relevant to the diagnosis that outline the functional impact of the disability.
Resources for GP’s and health professionals
Information and instructions available for GPs and health professionals:
- NDIS information for GP’s and health professionals
- WQPHN GP Toolkit
- WQ HealthPathways:
NDIS https://wq.communityhealthpathways.org/286873.htm
ECEI https://wq.communityhealthpathways.org/498533.htm
More information is available on the NDIS website www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110.
Mental health conditions and the NDIS
Information for GPs and health professionals specific to psychosocial NDIS access:
- TSP for All – resources and information for psychosocial support
- Mental health and the NDIS
- Reimagine today
More information is available on the NDIS website www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110.
2. NDIS Information for participants and carers
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is providing support for Australians with physical, mental and psychosocial disabilities, their families and carers.
Eligibility - What is the NDIS and who can access it?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme for people with a disability to get the support they need to manage their day-to-day living and to socially and economically participate in the community.
To become an NDIS participant a person must:
- have an impairment or condition that is likely to be permanent (i.e. it is likely to be lifelong)
- be aged less than 65 when they first apply to enter the NDIS; and
- must live in an Australia
- be an Australian citizen or hold a permanent visa or Protected Special Category visa.
People can also access the NDIS for early intervention, and a specific Early Childhood Early Intervention approach has been developed for children aged 0 to 9 years, see below link:
More information is available on the NDIS website www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110.
What are some of the ways NDIS can assist me?
How can my GP assist me to access the NDIS?
GPs have an important role in the healthcare and lives of people with disability and their families/carers and their professional relationship and partnership with patients. In relation to NDIS, GPs assist with completing specific sections of the documents required by NDIA to complete the access process.
Your GP has a role in helping you understand the NDIS and providing information to the NDIA about your disability. GPs and allied health professionals are authorised to complete the sections of the documents required by the NDIA to prove your eligibility for the NDIS and the impact your disability has on your day-to-day life. Educators can also provide information about the impact that a disability has on a child’s day-to-day life.
Resources for participants
Information for NDIS participants and new applicants below:
Getting Started and Understanding the NDIS – access the three NDIS books
Booklet 1: Understanding the NDIS
Understanding the NDIS
- Find out what the NDIS is, what support it provides and who you can contact for more information
- Understand the different roles of the NDIS, community and other government services
- Find out if you are eligible
- If you think you are eligible for the NDIS, find out what you need to do next
Applying for the NDIS
- Understand what information you need to provide
- Find out how eligibility decisions are made
- If you are not eligible for the NDIS, find out how to get help to access community and other government services
Supports and services funded by the NDIS
- Find out what supports and services the NDIS fund
- Learn how the NDIS supports families and carers
Booklet 2: Planning
Getting ready for your planning meeting
- Creating an NDIS plan to achieve your goals
- Receiving your approved NDIS plan
Booklet 3: Using your NDIS plan
- Understanding what’s in your plan
- Learning how to use your plan
- Choosing and managing supports and services
- Reviewing your plan and progress
- Applying for the NDIS and downloading the NDIS Access Form
- WQPHN Patient Information Booklet
- YouTube - NDIS Pathway - Pt 1 - Access
- YouTube - NDIS Pathway - Pt 2 - Planning
- YouTube - NDIS Pathway - Pt 3 - Review
3. Culturally Appropriate Resources
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is providing support for Australians with physical, mental and psychosocial disabilities, their families and carers.
The Nukal Murra alliance and WQPHN have endorsed the below culturally appropriate resources to encourage and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within WQPHN regions accessing NDIS.
More information is available on the NDIS website www.ndis.gov.au or call 1800 800 110.
What are the culturally appropriate resources?
Resources have been grouped into youth and adult to provide information and examples specific to the age group to be printed or shared electronically.
General NDIS overview
- Can I get NDIS - this brochure is an overarching brochure for all potential NDIS applicants
Brochures – adult-targeted
- No Shame, everyday support for everyday needs – NDIS can help when you can’t do it alone
- NDIS helps you link to services – how NDIS works with other services
- What is NDIS Fact sheet 1
- Can I get NDIS Fact sheet 2
Brochures – youth-targeted
- NDIS can help youth too - how NDIS connects youth to support
- How can the NDIS help your child Fact sheet 1 - developmental
- How the NDIS can help your child Fact sheet 2 – disability
- How the NDIS can help your child Fact sheet 3 – ECEI (Early Childhood Early Intervention)
- Workbook - “Yarn about me and my life for my well-being”. NDIS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Planning Workbook to assist participants in identifying where NDIS can support the goals and needs of the applicant.
- NDIS Rural Community Connectors (host organisations) provide support outlined in the below NDIS videos:
- YouTube - NDIS Pathway - Pt 1 - Access
- YouTube - NDIS Pathway - Pt 2 - Planning
- YouTube - NDIS Pathway - Pt 3 - Review
* Please note from 1st July 2023, NDIS has changed the age group for children to be supported by the early childhood approach from 0 - 6 to now include children younger than 9. Please bear than in mind when referring to these resources.
The WQPHN website was developed and is maintained by Michael R.G. Hughes of Extremely Geeky.
While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or the reliance on the information provided on this website.