Practice Support

Primary Health Care Support – Information and Resources

Primary health Care


Supporting Australian primary health care is core business of Primary Health Networks with the following indicators that include but are not limited to:

  • Supporting the adoption of best practice methods to improve quality of care
  • Promoting and improving the uptake of practice accreditation
  • Assisting practices in the understanding and meaningful use of eHealth systems in order to streamline the flow of relevant patient information across the local health provider community
  • Supporting health information management to inform quality improvements in health care, specifically the collection and use of clinical data within practices.

This website has been designed with the intention to provide pertinent, relevant and up to date information to Primary Health Care organisations working within the Western Qld Primary Health Network region. Please let us know if information or resources are out of date or you would like further information or resources added.

Primary Health Care Coordinator Details

Shelly Reynolds (PCCD Senior Manager and Central West Region)

Amber Scott (South West Coordinator)

Roderick Wright (First Nations Practice Support Coordinator)

Sarah Carige (North West Coordinator)