
Health eMinds ECHO virtual network

Date: Thursday, 4 March, 2025
Time: 13:00 to 14:00

Delivering mental health education, peer connections and a supportive online community of mental health practice for Northern Australia.

What is Health eMinds ECHO?

  • A virtual network to share mental health knowledge and experiences – increasing capacity and quality healthcare
  • A series of free, interactive, case-based education sessions addressing a range of Mental Health topics
  • Sessions are open to all healthcare workers in Northern Australia, both clinical and non-clinical
  • Health eMinds ECHO aims to increase Mental Health knowledge, skills and confidence in health professionals
  • Promoting peer support and connection between health services across the north.

Sessions include:

  • 10-minute presentation by subject matter experts
  • Case study participant to share a patient case or situation with the group
  • Q+A opportunity for all to ask a question and join the discussion
  • Sessions held via Zoom 1–2pm AEST - the first Thursday of each month.

For more information, please download the flyer.

Register Here
