headspace Roma 1st birthday

headspace Roma 1st birthday

headspace Roma celebrated their first birthday on Wednesday May 4, 2022, with local crew and staff enjoying the celebrations, which included a great BBQ, cake, art workshops, games and a chill out zone.

Deb Spanner, WQPHN's Primary Mental Health Coordinator, joined the festivities and spoke with headspace Roma manager Julianne Everson, who proudly reflected on this celebration. “I can’t believe it’s already a year! It’s been such a pleasure being involved in the set-up of headspace in Roma and seeing the difference it makes not only to the young people involved but their families and friends in the community,” Julianne said.
headspace Roma is a FREE and confidential service that helps young people in the Maranoa Region aged 12-25 with their mental health and well-being, including physical health, alcohol and other drug services, as well as assistance with employment, education and training pathways.