Councils - Clinical & Consumer Advisory Council

Welcome to the WQPHN 2021-2022 Annual Report Highlights. For a printable version of the report, please click here.

The Clinical Council is clinician-led team who provides a direct link between primary health care providers and the WQPHN Board to inform the planning, evaluation and performance functions of the PHN.

The Consumer Advisory Council is made up of a diverse group of consumer representatives from across the Western Queensland region providing a community perspective on these functions.

The objectives of the combined Councils are to work collaboratively with WQPHN staff and advise the WQPHN Board directly in relation to service planning and design, service delivery, monitoring and evaluation.

For the first time in 2 years members of the Clinical and Consumer Advisory Council came together in Brisbane in early November. While COVID-19 has allowed the Councils to meet via Videoconference, face-to face-meetings are still invaluable.

The meeting content was co-developed by the Councils, who have matured as a group to both contribute issues of importance to their regions and contribute to the decision-making process alongside the WQPHN.

Dr Rosie Geraghty - Chair of the WQPHN Clinical Council & owner of Maranoa Medical Centre, Roma

The 2021-2022 year has seen the Clinical and Consumer Advisory Councils meet both face-to-face in November 2021 and via Zoom videoconference in 2022. Important updates regarding the COVID-19 response, WQ Health Care Home, data management programs, diabetes management and HealthPathways to name a few were discussed. We were excited to see the new headspace centre open in Roma with the aim to improve mental health outcomes for our youth. The face-to-face meeting enabled a review of membership and Terms of Reference for the Clinical Council.

I wish all members the best as they continue their good work for the consumers in Western Queensland.

John Palmer OAM, Chair of the WQPHN Consumer Advisory Council

I am again pleased to be part of the Consumer Advisory Council for 2021-2022, despite COVID-19 disrupting our attempts to meet in person for another year.

This year saw members from the Clinical and Consumer Advisory Council participating in the interview process for two new Board Directors, where we were invited to attend. I am looking forward to representing the WQPHN Councils at the upcoming Health Consumers Queensland (HCQ) Annual Forum in October 2022.

As always it is a pleasure to work with a proactive and passionate team, led by CEO Sandy Gillies and we look forward to the next year.

Our Stories...

headspace Roma 1st birthday

headspace Roma celebrated their first birthday on Wednesday May 4, 2022, with local crew and staff enjoying the celebrations, which included a great BBQ, cake, art workshops, games and a chill out zone.

Nukal Murra Virtual Home Monitoring

Chronic diseases are long-lasting, and while most are preventable and treatable, they cause approximately 64% of the disease burden among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and approximately 80% of the mortality gap.

COVID-19 and Aged Care

The steady achievers in 2021/22 have once again been the committed staff working in residential and community aged care.

Telehealth and Digital Health

Nearly 23 per cent of homes in Western Queensland have no access to the internet - we need to invest in the digital infrastructure to support access to telehealth, online supports, and community, aged care and disability services.

Healthy Ageing Aged Care Roadshow

WQPHN collaborated with Mable to visit regional communities throughout Western Queensland to discuss options for community-led aged care services and provide workforce solutions for rural and remote areas.

​WiSE Mental Health & Telehealth

WQPHN has commissioned headspace National to provide the Wellbeing in Schools Early Intervention Telepsychiatry program (WiSE).