Our Alliances
Welcome to the WQPHN 2021-2022 Annual Report Highlights. For a printable version of the report, please click here.
Nukal Murra Alliance
The Nukal Murra Alliance is committed to improving health, social and emotional wellbeing and mental health outcomes of our communities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Nukal Murra Health Support Service (NMHSS) is an alliance of six bodies:
- Western Queensland Primary Health Network (WQPHN);
- Queensland Aboriginal and Islander Health Council (QAIHC);
- Charleville and Western Areas Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health (CWAATSICH);
- Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation for Health (CACH);
- Goondir Health Services (Goondir) and
- Gidgee Healing Aboriginal Medical Services (Gidgee).
Recent highlights of this collaboration include the review and finalisation of partnerships, including the:
- Nukal Murra Alliance Strategic Plan
- Nukal Murra Health Support Services (Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program) and;
- Development of a Western Queensland First Nations Health Workforce Development Strategy.
The Alliance partners continue to meet on a regular basis to monitor the progress of the Alliance structure, review new and emerging health policies and funding models to identify opportunities for improvement at a strategic level.
Nukal meaning ‘plenty or many’ in the language of the Lower Gulf, and Murra meaning ‘hand or hands’ in the language of Central West and South West.
Maranoa Accord
Partners in the Maranoa Accord: WQPHN, NWHHS, CWHHS, SWHHS, CACH, CWAATSICH, Goondir Health Services and Gidgee Healing continue to work together and lead whole of population improvements in Western Queensland.
In 2021-22, the Maranoa Accord Members witnessed a number of significant leadership changes across the region in each of the Hospital and Health Services. Due to these changes, WQPHN worked closely with each of the three regions building on our collective knowledge and established relationships to respond to emerging local and regional priorities rather than more broadly across the Western Queensland footprint. The collective efforts at the regional level facilitated a focussed and more responsive actions specifically around our response to COVID outbreaks in various communities.
The CEOs of The Maranoa Health Accord plan to work further on the shared key priorities from the health strategic plans to inform local and responsive Primary Health Care Strategies for Western Queensland communities.
North West Tripartite Agreement
The North West Tripartite Agreement is a partnership between the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health service Gidgee Healing, the North West Hospital and Health Service and the WQPHN.
The University of Queensland Centre for Health Services Research was commissioned to review how the Agreement had been progressing and to highlight opportunities for improvement.
Some key strengths included:
- Strong leadership and commitment to the shared vision;
- Increased capacity and capability of Community-Controlled Health Services;
- Improved integration of services and subsequent service efficiencies. A recalibration workshop between the partners is planned for early 2023 to further develop the partnership with a key focus on operationalising a number of both the Agreement and communities' key priorities.
Our Stories...
headspace Roma celebrated their first birthday on Wednesday May 4, 2022, with local crew and staff enjoying the celebrations, which included a great BBQ, cake, art workshops, games and a chill out zone.
Chronic diseases are long-lasting, and while most are preventable and treatable, they cause approximately 64% of the disease burden among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and approximately 80% of the mortality gap.
The steady achievers in 2021/22 have once again been the committed staff working in residential and community aged care.
Nearly 23 per cent of homes in Western Queensland have no access to the internet - we need to invest in the digital infrastructure to support access to telehealth, online supports, and community, aged care and disability services.
WQPHN collaborated with Mable to visit regional communities throughout Western Queensland to discuss options for community-led aged care services and provide workforce solutions for rural and remote areas.
WQPHN has commissioned headspace National to provide the Wellbeing in Schools Early Intervention Telepsychiatry program (WiSE).
The WQPHN website was developed and is maintained by Michael R.G. Hughes of Extremely Geeky.
While the Australian Government Department of Health has contributed to the funding of this website, the information on this website does not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government and is not advice that is provided, or information that is endorsed, by the Australian Government. The Australian Government is not responsible in negligence or otherwise for any injury, loss or damage however arising from the use of or the reliance on the information provided on this website.