The Australian Government is investing $220 million in grants over two years, through the Strengthening Medicare – GP Grants Program (the Program), to support general practices and eligible Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs).
The Program will provide funding to general practices and eligible ACCHOs towards improvements in their practice to expand patient access and support safe, accessible and quality primary care.
Both WQPHN and National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (NACCHO) are sending registration/application packs directly, inviting participation in the Program and advising of a grant amount between $25,000 - $50,000.

General practices are not required to register their interest, all eligible practices will be sent a pack via email.
The single, one-off grant will be available to each participating practice and eligible ACCHO to invest in innovation, training, equipment, and minor capital works in any one or more of the three investment streams below:
1.      enhancing digital health capability
2.      upgrading infection prevention and control arrangements
3.      maintaining or achieving accreditation against the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Standards for General Practice (5th Edition), under the General Practice Accreditation Scheme
General practice and ACCHO grant allocation is based on:
·        accreditation status, against the RACGP Standards for General Practices; and
·        practice size (GP FTE)
For more details read the Australian Government fact sheet and the Program Overview document.
Please contact for assistance if required.

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